This study is now closed. For current opportunities, browse our studies page.

Health Study

Health Study

A study for anyone, to better map human health

Collecting comprehensive health information to better understand health and the transition to disease.

Enrollment closed

General population

Durham, NC; Kannapolis, NC; Palo Alto, CA; Los Angeles, CA; more sites coming

Four year observational study help_outline Observational studies are ones where researchers observe the effect of a risk factor or diagnostic test without trying to change who is or isn't exposed to it.

Receive compensation

Project Baseline is an initiative to make it easy and engaging for people like you to contribute to the map of human health and participate in clinical research.

Together with researchers, clinicians, engineers, designers, advocates, and volunteers, we're collaborating to build the next generation of healthcare tools and services.

Stanford Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine

Who's eligible

  • Age 18 years or older
  • U.S. Resident 
  • Able to speak and read English
  • No known severe allergy to nickel or metal jewelry




What's involved

Attend in-person visits

Once a year, you will come to a Project Baseline study site near you for one to two days of health tests. Note that these are for research purposes and do not serve as medical care.

Complete surveys and health diaries

You'll share insights about your health and habits through surveys in the Project Baseline mobile app once a quarter.

Contribute lifestyle data

You'll use a Study Watch daily and nightly to contribute activity and sleep information.

What you'll receive

It feels good to do good, plus you'll receive:

Certain health data and test results that you can share with your doctor

Compensation for your time and perks for your involvement

Regular updates on our progress and early insights into discoveries

Exclusive access to the Project Baseline community and events

Where it is

Duke University School of Medicine
Author Image

40 Duke Medicine Circle, Durham, NC 27710

Duke University School of Medicine
Author Image

201 Dale Earnhardt Blvd. Suite 300, Kannapolis, NC 28081

California Health and Longevity Institute
Author Image

1250 La Venta Drive, Suite #101B
Westlake Village CA, 91361

Health Study

Study FAQs

To make a complete map of human health, we need data that is representative of the population. Therefore, we are selecting a sample of people with diverse ages, ethnicities, geographic locations, health histories, and other demographic and medical information using an algorithm. If you are not invited to participate, it likely means that we have already met our requirements for people of your age, location, health status, etc., or that we do not yet have a study site open near you.

No, you do not have to pay anything to be involved in the Project Baseline Health study.

No, you will not receive any free medical treatment or health advice from participating in this study. Any lab results or information that you receive should not be used by you to make medical decisions. You should consult your doctor if you have any questions about personal medical decisions during the course of the study.

No, you can continue with any medications or treatments you are already taking. You will not be asked to take new ones, as this is an observational study.

We ask that you wear the Study Watch during the day, like you would a normal watch or bracelet. It is not waterproof, so you should take it off to bathe or swim and as needed for special occasions.

We will not share any information with your insurance without your consent. You and your doctor will continue to make decisions about your care.

The information you provide will be stored in a secure, encrypted database with restricted access. Members of the Project Baseline team who need to contact you, such as staff at the study site, will have access to directly identifying information (your name, street address, phone number, and email). Please see our Privacy Policy for full details.

We believe that it's important to return as much of your information as possible in an ethical, responsible manner and in a format that is interesting and understandable. This may include laboratory tests (such as glucose metabolism), clinical assessments (such as blood pressure), imaging (such as a chest x-ray), and survey data (such as mood or diet). Please note that it may take months or years to return some or all of your information, while we build out the infrastructure and framework to do so. You can read more about this topic in this publication by Project Baseline researchers and this blog post by the co-chair of our Return of Results Committee. In the future, we may also share with you summarized research outcomes from across the study population. However, please also note that research is not the same as medical care. You should not expect to get medical care or advice. If you have questions regarding your data, we encourage you to share it with your primary care or other doctor.

We will use it to expand the Project Baseline database and develop advanced tools for collecting, organizing, and analyzing health information. As well, in partnership with qualified researchers and organizations, we will use the data to uncover new medical insights or develop new health products.

While Google provides the computing, storage, analytics, and data handling power, Google will not sell your information for advertising. All your information will be stored in a secure, encrypted database with restricted access.

We hope that the Project Baseline Health Study is not only a successful scientific and medical endeavor, but also a rewarding experience for you in a variety of ways, for example, you will have access to certain health data and test results that you can share with your doctor, as well as regular updates. You will be part of the dedicated group of people working on our mission, with opportunities to shape the Project Baseline community over time. Above all, you will help steer the direction of healthcare. Your involvement matters, and we hope you are as excited as we are to take action and tackle the challenge of preventing disease for future generations.